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Survey of sustainable pension funds Published: 29-01-2025

Each year, the VBDO (Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development) investigates and compares the sustainable and responsible investments of the 47 biggest pension funds in the Netherlands. Pensioenfonds PDN is ranked 27th.

Let’s be honest. Compared with 8th place in 2022 and 2023, we were initially disappointed by this, too. Our first priority is to achieve financial returns, but contributing to a sustainable future for current and future generations is also important to us. For a medium-sized fund like Pensioenfonds PDN, however, this ranking really isn’t that bad and is still an achievement we can be proud of.

Why did we drop in the rankings?
This year, VBDO decided to assess pension funds more on their active engagement in their investments, and pension funds are encouraged to think more strategically about their sustainability contributions. The part of the portfolio that was invested as sustainably as possible and how the sustainability strategy was embedded in policy used to carry much more weight. VBDO has now made major changes to its assessment method. That means that we cannot compare our 27th place with the 8th place we achieved last year. It also means that our current position on the ranking does not indicate that we achieved less in 2024. In fact, compared with other funds, we still scored just as highly on how sustainably our strategic investment mix and individual investments are invested.

It does, however, suggest that Pensioenfonds PDN needs to take steps to better secure the sustainable investment policy in its strategy and decision-making processes.

What does Pensioenfonds PDN stand for?
Although we mainly want our impact investing to achieve financial returns, we also want to offer solutions for various social and sustainability challenges.

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We are further developing our sustainable and responsible investing policy and will continue to consider sustainability objectives and topics to determine where we can perhaps do more. This does, however, need to reflect us as a fund and certainly also needs to reflect what you, our members, want. We need to find a good balance between the returns for people and the environment, and the risks.

What can we learn from this assessment?
The VBDO survey provides insight into the improvements we can make to better anchor our sustainability objectives in our administrative organisation. This is something we will be addressing.
We are aware of the complexity of the challenges we’re facing. At the same time, we are aware of the possibilities we have to make a positive contribution to a liveable world and society.
Measuring and understanding the returns and risks remains a challenge. We are, however, making progress on this now that companies have been required to report on their sustainability efforts since 2024. This helps us make better and more responsible choices.
You can find more information about VBDO, the survey, and the complete ranking here.
The next VBDO report will be published in late 2026. We feel confident about this and are looking forward to it!

You can find more information on this website under the ‘Sustainable and Responsible Investment’ tile.

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