
Website Disclaimer of Pensioenfonds PDN

Terms and conditions
Welcome to the website of Pensioenfonds PDN. This website is the property of, and is maintained by, Pensioenfonds PDN, a foundation under Dutch law. Pensioenfonds PDN has its registered office in Heerlen and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 41070481. By using this website you are agreeing to the following conditions.

Legal disclaimer
The content of this site is intended for information. The correctness or completeness of the site is not guaranteed. Rights cannot be derived either from the information on this website, or calculations made on the basis thereof. Neither Pensioenfonds PDN, nor DPS, its officers, employees or representatives are liable for loss or damage arising from the visiting or use of this site or the incorrectness or incompleteness of the information on the site. Rights can be derived only from the pension regulations applying to the member. Pensioenfonds PDN reserves the right to make changes and corrections to this site and to close all or part of the site without prior notice. The use of this website is governed exclusively by Dutch law.

Intellectual (property) rights / use of trademarks
All rights reserved. All copyrights and other (intellectual property) rights to all texts, images, software and other materials on this site are the property of Pensioenfonds PDN, DPS or are included with the consent of the owner concerned. Without prejudice to the foregoing, parts of this site may be reproduced by printing or downloading, for personal, non-commercial purposes only. The content of the site may not otherwise be reproduced or changed. The creation of a link to this site or parts thereof requires the prior written approval of Pensioenfonds PDN. Unauthorised use of any trademark on this site is prohibited.