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Significant progress in sustainability Published: 27-10-2022

We as a pension fund also assume our social responsibility. As ever, we can only truly enjoy old age in a world that is livable for everyone. Our focus on sustainability is a core part of our investment philosophy and fits in perfectly with DSM’s standards and values.

Investing sustainably.JPG (91 KB)We have focused on three specific sustainability themes since 2021 to increase our fund’s positive impact: A stable climate for people worldwide, responsible raw material production and circularity, and good health and well-being for all ages.

If you would like to know how we’re doing that and what we already achieved in 2021, click here to read this summary of our attained goals and actions.

You can find more information on the PDN website under the ‘Sustainable and responsible investing’ tile or in the detailed 2021 Sustainability Report. Sustainable and responsible investing.jpg (5 KB)

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The PDN website has a tile 'New Pension/system' and contains information about the new pension rules. Have you already looked at this information?