News items

PDN preparing for Pension Agreement Published: 02-09-2020

On August 31, PDN held a themed afternoon on the Dutch pension agreement (“het pensioenakkoord”).

Attended by members of the Board, Supervisory Board, and Accountability Council, this digital afternoon session was an opportunity to explain and discuss the new forms of contract in greater detail. Led by Board member Eiko de Vries, Dick Boeijen (PGGM) and Roel Mehlkopf (Cardano) gave an explanation of the forms of contract, and a set of statements was used to discuss the pros and cons of each. There was also opportunity to focus on the transition process in the coming years, the choices that need to be made, and the responsibilities of the individual fund bodies. Communication with members was also discussed in detail.

At the end of the session, there was opportunity for Board member Michel Ubachs and three members of the Accountability Council, Henk Lukkezen, Dirk van den Bos and John van Engelen, to say goodbye to the fund. Chairman Edith Schippers and Gerard Rutten thanked all the members for their outstanding commitment to the fund. Given his many years of service, Michel was “the conscience of the fund” and always put the interests of all members first. The November edition of the PDN Magazine will feature more information on Michel as well as an interview with John van Engelen.

Timeline for Pension Agreement



Employer/pension funds


Report from working groups and draft legislation

Phase 1: Understanding

January 1, 2022

Final legal framework

Phase 2: Design – negotiation

2022 - 2026


Phase 3: Implementation


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