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Dealing with complaints properly Published: 21-01-2025

The PensioenFederatie developed a code of conduct “Goed omgaan met klachten”. Every year, the independent Stichting Gouden Oor investigates whether pension funds do what it says. For example, Stichting Gouden Oor assesses how easy it is to file a complaint, how long it takes us to handle a complaint and how carefully we do that.

Pluim_Klacht_EN.jpg (16 KB)Based on the questionnaire completed by Pensioenfonds PDN, the Stichting Gouden Oor believes that we handle your complaints very well. The Stichting also believes that we report on complaints in a good manner and, where necessary, ensure adjustments in our organization or services. The Stichting expresses this with the term that Pensioenfonds PDN handles complaints ‘maturely’.

We realise that not everyone who filed a complaint with Pensioenfonds PDN experiences this assessment in the same way. For example, if we cannot process a complaint because it is not addressed to us. Or if we cannot honour a complaint because it conflicts with the pension regulations that we implement or with the interests of other (former) employees or pensioners who have a pension with Pensioenfonds PDN.

We always strive to prevent complaints. But if there is reason for a complaint, we are proud of the Stichting Gouden Oor‘s judgment. Because we attach great importance to careful handling of complaints and the lessons we can learn from them.

Your opinion counts!
The PDN website has a tile 'New Pension/system' and contains information about the new pension rules. Have you already looked at this information?