Starting in July, we will publish a dedicated information bulletin for all our members explaining the new pension rules and how they will impact you and your pension.Following years of debate, the reform of the Dutch pension system is finally underway. The reform aims to make your pension both more understandable and a better match for today’s society. Changing the pension system is an important issue that will eventually affect everyone in the Netherlands.
You cannot take any action yet. The Pension Agreement (Pensioenakkoord) is currently being drawn up by the Dutch government. The employer and the labor unions are going to decide on the future of the PDN pension scheme. The PDN Board also still has to make decisions.
We think it is important to keep everyone properly informed about all the changes and the new rules. Of course, as a member, you will always receive a personal notification when something changes for you – we will continue to do this.
We will start publishing a new, dedicated bulletin to provide you with more general information. This bulletin, called ‘Pension Wise’, will be sent to everyone by mail from July and will be published once a quarter or earlier.
You can also always visit the PDN website for the latest information.